
"More than machinery, we need humanity."

10 Years

As you may have seen by now, Judge Preska sentenced Jeremy Hammond to 10 years on Friday.

I’ve previously mentioned how fucked up & bullshit this whole thing is, but this all bears considering as a whole — beginning with how the US federal government uses private security contractors to do its dirty work; Sabu’s cooperation with the FBI; that Preska should have recused herself, since her husband is a Stratfor client; the restrictions that Jeremy has been under while at MCC, includng a lot of time in solitary; to the entire scene of the courtroom on Friday, wherein there was a silent, orderly class of West Point cadets sitting across the aisle from a leftist family reunion like we were at the most dysfunctional of weddings, and a federal judge said things like “the TOR.”   (Special thanks to Vince in the Bay for trolling Preska; does anyone have a transcript of that?  I’m really glad we managed to all laugh quietly enough to not get thrown out.)

The jewel among the whole thing was Jeremy’s sentencing statement.  He spoke at some length, and you can read it at Sparrow Media.  Of particular note in it is the part that has been redacted — Jeremy tells us that Sabu, and therefore the FBI, asked him to hack foreign governments, and the judge interrupted him to remind him that that information has been redacted.  The federal government, it would seem, not only uses contractors to do its dirty work, but also the very hackers it then intends to prosecute.  We, collectively being resourceful leftists, had the redacted information dug up & posted on the internet within a couple hours.  A quick google duck will turn it up, if you are interested.

So, here we are.  Jeremy is likely going to be moved to a prison closer to Chicago soon, but in the meantime he is still at MCC in New York , so continue to send him letters there; when he’s moved I’ll post his new address.




ETA: Yes! We’ve got a transcript of Vince’s epic troll!

About oneofthelibrarians

Respectable mid-career librarian by day, dirty street librarian by night & other days.

3 comments on “10 Years

  1. MikeW
    November 18, 2013

    Wow… If you’re in the right, power to you. If you’re not, I figure it’s probably because of something you can’t know, so good for you fighting for liberty for those who you believe tried to do the right thing. Appeals and requests for pardons? Those on the horizon?

  2. Pingback: From Ned to Ted to Red – General Ludd on the Blacklist | LibrarianShipwreck

  3. Pingback: In 2014…they’re resolved to keep watching… | LibrarianShipwreck

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This entry was posted on November 18, 2013 by in Activism, Friends of the Library, Government, Legal, Prison, Surveillance, US Politics and tagged , , , .

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