
"More than machinery, we need humanity."


At its founding, LibrarianShipwreck was intended “as a resource, soapbox, forum, and gutter for those interested in the future of librarianship. Amongst our interests are libraries, archives, activism, radical librarianship, history, technology, cats, sweater vests, and other fascinating things. We hope to rile you up.”

Since then (as the site’s actual content makes obvious) the main topics of the site have become focused primarily on technology, critical theory, and impending doom. This may or may not be a result of the fact that the main author on the site may or may not have earned a PhD at the intersection of the history of technology and disaster studies (with a dissertation project focusing on Y2K). Beginning in March of 2020 this site has also provided a home to weekly compendiums of Plague Poems.

You may or may not like what you find written here.

Questions may be directed to librarianshipwreck[@]

We can be found on the Twitter: @libshipwreck and @rowmyboat

And now also on Mastodon:;;

We do our best to put up new content regularly.

[Your librarians have not been visited by the authorities. Watch closely for the removal of this notice.]

16 comments on “About

  1. David
    October 9, 2013

    Radical librarianship and sweater vests? Goodness! That’s a mixture I have to see!

  2. dancingcatdancingcat
    January 23, 2014

    Radical librarianship and CATS???!! Goodness! That’s a mixture i have to see!

  3. Pingback: Informed Agitation | LibrarianShipwreck

  4. Rory Litwin
    July 24, 2014

    I’m happy to see this blog but seriously annoyed that it is anonymous. You should take responsibility for what you write!!

  5. Nomzi Kumalo
    May 23, 2015

    Pleased to meet you. You are most welcome to visit my blog whenever you get the chance. 🙂

  6. DanicaPiche
    June 17, 2015

    I’ve nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award! Here’s the link:
    Congratulations! 🙂

  7. Pingback: About | ignoranceisblissinlasvegas

  8. David
    August 31, 2015

    So, it happened. This summer our “librarian” at the private college prep school I work at decided to convert the library into a “learning commons”. Everything worth knowing is on the internet, students aren’t checking out books, so why not get rid of them in favor of “collaborative spaces”….coffee shop to be added soon…

    My God, when did we decide to follow the students? When did we decide that since they don’t know how to use books, that we don’t need the printed word anymore? “Collaboration” is a stupid skill promoted from Silicon Valley–it’s meaningless and worthless in the development of a thinking human. Hell, I’ll go Godwin here–we’re on the road to producing more Eichmanns whose evil will be banal because they never learned how to think.

    Hannah Arendt, in her lectures on moral philosophy (collected in Responsibility and Judgment) says: “Thinking and remembering is the human way of striking roots, of taking one’s place in the world into which we all arrive as strangers. What we usually call a person or a personality, as distinguished from a mere human being or a nobody, actually grows out of this root-striking process of thinking.”

    We’re developing a generation of rootless nobodies…

    • Kari
      February 20, 2021

      Your post is already a few years ago and sadly as pertinent as ever. Our university, Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, has indeed turned its library into a “learning centre” built around a coffee shop. For sure, there are still a few old books on the few remaining shelves, but the argument (close to what you say) is that all relevant knowledge is available on-line and even books are digital, thus no requirement for physical paper copies. Instead of shelves, there are computers and 3d printing machines and VR goggles.

  9. Lauren Letellier
    January 30, 2017

    I love you, Librarian Shipwreck! ❤. Without you I’d never get through the next 4 years. Sincerely, Lauren Letellier, Library Volunteer, Roeliff Jansen Community Library, Copake NY

  10. Ole Juul
    May 13, 2018

    There’s very good writing here. May I suggest that a pdf version be made available as a link at the bottom of articles?

  11. Caressa
    February 21, 2021

    I appreciate your work and would love to credit you by name!

  12. JamesJozef
    July 28, 2021

    On an Aerospace contract some years ago, I had the fortunate opportunity of the company being located on the neighboring block to the technical university of the country. Of course, I knew immediately where I would spend my lunch hours; perusing the plethora of books.
    To my heartbreak, I could not find any but a few here and there seemingly locked away. I perservered and stumbled upon a partially hidden spiral staircase to the cellar. Before me were real bookselves with real books. Vast amounts of treasure. I was alone and in heaven/nirvana I jested. The lighting was automated and location attenuated. In the floors above buzzed a hive of students, researchers, staff and faculty.
    The most wonderful lunch breaks I did find from that day on.I was always alone and yet not so.
    I spent my university years in the stacks dreaming about the world ahead.
    A library holds within all that is with out.

  13. Aag
    January 31, 2023

    Thank you for being here,,,,

  14. Pingback: Gaslight | My Eyes Are Up Here

  15. Paula C. Georges
    September 17, 2023


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